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3:44 p.m. - 2002-05-05
Preacher Joke
Once again...good morning. Sorry if any of you random humans were perturbed by my last entry...ahem, anyway, I'm still here, wahoo!!! Went shopping, spent money on food to survive in Testosterone R Us all month...saw my "real" mother; first time since...hmm....August? Yeah, that seems right. She's good; got reaquainted with all my animal siblings. Realized my entire "family" hasn't been in the same place together for almost three hard can it be to get four people together, anyway? Oh, well; don't feel like talking about that...too...whatever. Also...talked to KayBay; REALLY talked, think some things are sorted REAL family is the shiz-nit. I love them dearly.

A couple in Heaven decided that they wanted to get married 'cause they never did get married in life, so they go to God and are like "we want to get married", and God's like, "why? this is Heaven; everything's perfect...why would you want to get married?", and they say, "well, we just want to, we never got to on Earth, and we'd like to now". So God says, "okay, well, give it five years, and if you still feel this way, come back and see me", so they do. Five years later, this same couple returns to God and say, "well, we gave it five years, and we feel the same; can we get married?" God is dumbfounded, and so he tells the couple to wait another five years, just to be sure. They're all like, okay, sure....another five years pass, and the same two people return to God and request to be married. God says, "well, okay, if that's what you want, I'll throw your reception, get you married", and sure enough, they have the grandest wedding they could ever have hoped for. A year passes, and the marrieds return to God and say, "well, it turns out, we made a mistake, and we'd like to get a divorce now". God looks at the two of them, sighs, and says, "if it took us ten years to find a preacher in Heaven, how long do you think it'll take to find a lawyer?"


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