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12:02 p.m. - 2003-11-12
Suck my Balls
My office has two sets of stairs, and one occasionally leads to a different dimension instead of to the second floor. One day, on my way to get the mail, I accidentally ended up on the set of Star Wars and began an affair with Harrison Ford...he has an annoying habit of saying, "Hang that dogie, Trixie!" when in bed, in case anyone's interested. Today, because my freshly dried pants are all still damp, I am wearing a skirt that has a slit strategically placed in order to show off the multitude of discoloration on my calf. Yes, I am *that* sexy. Inga is starting up her own reality t.v. show, "Who Wants to Hate My Husband?", which your's truly will have the honor of producing, and my entire set of employers has been checkmated and are hiding somewhere on the starwell. No you moron, that's not a typo, it's SUPPOSED to say "starwell".

And boys suck.


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