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7:01 p.m. - 2013-08-30
To Everything a Season
"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words can never hurt me." Silly kids. Just saying that doesn't make it so, and nothing I can say can make things better for you. I know that, and I'm sorry. I wish it could be different. If you want, I can make a Simself of you and give you a good life! You can be a famous photographer with an Abercrombie wearing wife, or I can stick people in a pool with no ladder...although that's the least interesting way to go these days. Now there's all kinds of methods for a Sim to meet their demise, and each one comes with a different ghost version. The gold one is my favorite. Think about it! It can be very therapeutic! ...Not that I've had time to play in forever, but eventually, that will change. Hopefully.

I didn't know you were still doing the Open. What do you do there? What do you do regularly? Do you like it?

Funny you should mention Clint; he'd been on my mind lately. He was such a good truck, and I'd wondered what had become of him. I'm sad to hear he's crossed the Diesel Bridge to that Highway 69 in the sky. Also funny how attached one gets to mere vehicles; do you know I finally got my license? (No comment on how many tries I had to give the stupid driving test..-_-) I wound up with Kim's old Saturn, the one she never liked. I loved that car. She sat in Miss B's driveway for I can't even remember how many years, but she still drove with hardly any problems. Naturally, I wrecked her. :-(

There is a small, hairy green caterpillar on my porch. I had hopes it would become a Luna moth, but alas, Luna caterpillars are regular shavers, so I don't know what this is. Aside from that, this seems to have been a year for Luna moths; I've seen more this summer than I have in my entire life, I think. There are pictures of one; my internetting is spotty lately, but when it returns to its regular scheduled programming, I'll throw an image in the fish pond, along with my onion and the Passion flowers we have in the yard, because those are awesome. They attract orange fritillary butterflies, which are basically knock-off monarchs. THEY have spikey orange and black caterpillars, one of which has made a cocoon in my back door (that sounds dirty, but isn't meant to). :-p

Everything has its place and its purpose, but you still get surprises. That's one reason nature is so neat.


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