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11:27 a.m. - 2014-04-22
Look at us all growing and stuff...
Bahahahahaha, ok, I wondered about the "obligation" part...very happy to hear that it is just something you are both ready for. Also very VERY happy to hear that you are doing premarital counseling. Counseling in general is a good idea for any couple, I think. I'm so proud of you.

Didn't know that you and B had dated before; that is actually somewhat a relief as ya'll have known each other a while and aren't just "Hey, how are you? You're cute, I love you, let's get married!" You know?

Ahhhhh.....that document. Yes. If Kevin -- who seems to be a true friend to you, of which I'm glad -- doesn't have any luck, let me know; I may have a copy lying around. I'm pretty sure I even know where it is...although I couldn't tell you where most of my other legal documents are. Aging and moving are so SO much fun.

Here's another bit of el oh are now the second person to which I was betrothed to have a sister AND a wife named Rebecca...although you deviated a little from the pattern with the spelling. Life is funny.

If a Keebler should chance to open a window, then I think feathers would be happy to float by.



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