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2:35 a.m. - 2002-11-15
they wanted her back. to put in their puddings.

sup from her throat.

catch in the web

of their fingers.

she tried to speak softly

so they wouldn't find her.

tried to stay

the size of her bones.

this made their thirst grow

like a castle of salt.

their hunger devouring

like a castle of teeth.

and she couldn't help it. her words spilled

onto the page at night

like organs peonies

dead ponies.

calling them.

they wanted her.

once mother was too thin too.

pale always cold.

shredding insect wings beneath the covers.

dissecting flowers 'til they screamed.

now she is large and warm

dripping blood every month.

is it better to grow

full and bleed?

stay here in the world

of grief lungs anger livers intestine fear?

come with us, they whisper.

mother knows

that poetry is dangerous


she hands her a pen

gets bigger each day

at night removes her heart

to guard the door.


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